Sunday, November 22, 2009

Moving through

In an attempt to enjoy life again (somewhat), I'm going to start writing other posts (about our lives), in addition to my Shiloh posts. The origins of this blog lie within happier times. We started the blog in 2007, during our 5th year of living in Australia. It was originally called "Simons Go Global" and was created to keep friends and family all over the world up-to-date on our on-goings down under. We've definitely lost touch with these happier times, but I would like to start writing again about our 'new' life (with integrated grief). I think I need this to help me move through the sorrow.

I will still post some Shiloh-dedicated blogs here, but I would like to transfer most of my Shiloh blogs to the "Whispers to my Angel" blog on her memorial website. There is an RSS feed on the website blog so people are still able to subscribe. I hope that you will all follow me over to her website blog, as I love to know that people are remembering my Shiloh, I love to meet new people, to help others through their grief, and mostly, I love to read all of the thoughts and comments. It's such a wonderful tribute to the life of my baby angel Shiloh. So stay tuned. The next blog is likely to be about spending Thanksgiving with some very special people who've been there for us since day one of our healing journey. 


Jill said...

What a beautiful memorial website! xoxo

Emily said...

I love this idea. I will add your other feed to my role.

I am looking forward to Thanks Giving with you.

Unknown said...

I tried to subscribe but it said, "Account error: inactive" Then I searched for "Whispers to our Angel" in Google Reader and your website/blog came up but there are no posts because it says, "The feed being requested cannot be found." Just thought you should know :)

I will be following both! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

The New Simons said...

I'm working on getting the RSS feed on Shiloh's memorial website to work... I just changed something yesterday and now I'm having problems seeing all the comments! AH!

The New Simons said...

Just a quick note- I have fixed the Rss feed on Shiloh's 'Whispers to my Angel' Blog!